How To Use The Breakthrough Science Method To Be Rewarded with AL 1-3 Consistantly
By Working Smarter, Not Harder!
Does this sound like what you are going through right now?

“I work very hard and I’m getting nowhere”
I know the answers but always marked as wrong
I spend many hours trying to read widely and understand more concepts
I keep forgetting what I have studied
I study so hard and my results don’t improve

“I am disappointing people around me”
The new school year feels so hard with harder subjects and so much extra responsibilities
I procrastinate a lot because there is too much to learn and master and too little time
I don’t know how to be a good CCA/ school leader
I don’t know how to say “no” to things I don’t want to commit without feeling bad about it

“I am burned out”
I don’t get a lot done during each of my study sessions
I feel like I don’t matter much because studies must always come first
I have to sacrifice more of my play and rest time
I have to quit my interests and hobbies for PSLE
If this sounds like you, I want you to know that you are not alone.
After supporting students full time for the past 7 years, I know it is possible to turn your life and your grades around.
This session is for you if you are…
Looking for a way to score above your current AL level
Worried about open ended questions in Paper 2
Practicing alot of exam papers without seeing an improvement in your scores
Feeling overwhelmed by how stressful and intense P5 and P6 is

Here Are Real Life Case Studies To Show You That It Works!
Here’s why I do what I do:
- I am brought up as a traditional Singaporean girl to be a good student, good daughter
so that……
- In future, I can become a good wife, good mother
- Nobody had much of an expectation for me
- I thought that being virtous is to be mediocre so that I will not be seen as a threat to others
- I chose to pursue Science to be seen as more mediocre instead of my dreams to become a Plastic Surgeon
- I ended up specializing in Genetics and Molecular Biology for 3 years after graduation from University of Western Australia

In my quest to become the perfect daughter, I had:
😣 Shut myself out of my dreams to pursue medicine and become a plastic surgeon
😣 Taken up work opportunities that undervalued and underpaid me
😣 Kept setting my standards lower and lower for all areas of my life
I am still not the perfect daughter
I felt miserable
I felt embarassed for achieving so little in life
I felt ashamed that people around me are not proud of me
“It’s enough!”
In 2013, I decided that I had enough of waking up everyday feeling miserable, so I decided to embark on a personal transformation journey.
In the process, I learned that what goes on in the inner world of a person is far greater than the ability to study or the level of intelligence
When I started fixing my inner game, I started to:
✔️ Be OK with setting higher standards for myself
✔️ Cultivate a winner’s mindset
✔️ Own my personal power
By fixing my inner mindset, I have attracted:
- An opportunity to share a stage with a Japanese celebrity
- Opportunities to sing alongside classical music superstars
- The opportunity to appear on TV dramas
- Job shadowing with top plastic surgeons
- Work contribution that lead to a publication in the American Journal of Human Genetics
When I shared what I learned with my student, Darren, I witnessed him transform from a failing Normal Academic student, to become top student when he graduated from his ITE course.
Since then, I knew that I had to make it my mission to empower my students to become the best versions of themselves. I have to become the teacher that I never had in my childhood.
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars.”
~ Les Brown
This famous quote is one that I hold on to dearly. I have murdered my dreams once.
I believe that it is better to get my students to “shoot for the moon” rather than missing out on an opportunity to pursue their dreams. That it is better to have done everything possible to chase those dreams than never trying at all.
That is why I am here for you.
Here’s What You’ll Learn ↴
✔️ The secret that top athletes and elites all over the world use to frame their mindset and position themselves…… and gain an unfair advantage over winning in all areas of their lives
✔️ The method to 2x the returns on your efforts in your study, something that almost all students understand but very few have the strategy to ace the Science Paper 2
✔️The easy way to leverage on the experience and mistakes of others at the comfort of your own home…… and watch your grade jump to higher levels
✔️Bonus: A sneak peek into what an online class with Lisa is like and experience an example of activites that can enhance your learning……and……you are cordially invited to join!

What makes Breakthrough Science a unique Science tuition class?
1. The focus is on supporting student’s dreams and goals
2. Parents are enrolled as supportive team members that encourages the longetivity of the anchored positive studying mindset and habits
3. It combines some basic principles of Peak Performance study coaching into regular classes
(find out more here:
4. There is an available of learning activities and materials that is tailored to the demands of the overall class
5. There are many points of seeding for talented/ambitious students that can help pivot towards the logical thinking required for IP syllabus.
6. It is never boring – you get to laugh and get “emotional damage!” 😮
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why are there no physical face to face lessons?
It is a well known fact that when faced with major milestones in life, it is a major stressor that results in a lowered immunity which largely increases the probabilty and frequency of falling sick.
Due to the consideration of health and safety reasons, it is highly recommended for P5 and P6 students to attend classes from the comfort of their home via online lessons. Not only time is saved from the extra travelling, it reduces unnecessary exposure to harmful pathogens.
What happens if my child can't attend some of the classes?
A replay of the missed lessons will be sent to your email inbox. Your child can also join another timeslot to make up for the missed class as well.
What are the timeslots for the P5 and P6 classes?
Upon submitting the registeration form on this website, you will be contacted via email and/or wadsapp with the available timeslots for your selection.
What if I can't attend any of the available slots?
Please still leave your name, contact number and email address via the registration form or to
When there is a new class and time slot made available with Teacher Lisa or any of her team members, you will be notified immediately.
Do you have any face to face, 1 to 1 lessons?
Teacher Lisa runs on a very tight schedule and slots are usually snapped up within 1 month after the release of final year exam results. You may enquire by leaving your name, contact number and email to
Are there other levels and subjects that you teach?
Teacher Lisa specialises in Science from P3 to Sec 4 and she is not the best person to teach other subjects.
Can I book your study coach for a private session?
Yes, teacher Lisa stands by her coaches as she selects the best people in the industry to work with.
You may request for a private study coaching session via dropping a request to and she will link you to the best coach that can help you achieve your purpose.
Don't Be Shy
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